Citizen Science: Garden Survey

We want to better understand what is in your garden to support wildlife. 25% of London green spaces is private gardens and, as such, it's a vital space for wildlife. It helps to connect the green spaces across London and adds to the green corridor to overcome fragmentation of south and west London.

Large or small, window box or field, your garden can be a mosaic in a wider network of natural havens linking urban green spaces with nature reserves and the countryside. Hedgehogs, bats, sparrows, song thrushes and stag beetles are all declining species in the UK, but if we manage our gardens to benefit wildlife, these creatures and many more will find refuge. With information about private gardens we can better understand the connectivity for wildlife and identify these key corridors across our local area. This can help show us important areas for protection, and opportunity areas to further improve the green corridors through schemes such as our Green Hubs project.

Why do we want to know?

The more we know about gardens, the better informed we are about the areas that need more room for nature. In these areas, we can help communities create space for wildlife!

What do we want to know?

Tell us where you are; whether you garden is a large and wild, decked with potted plants or a balcony or window box and, what you have in your garden. We also want to know what your boundary is like, what is around you and how much light you have in your garden.  You can also add a picture of your garden to help our understanding.

What do you need?

Information about your garden:

  • Address of the garden
  • Estimated size
  • What is in your garden for wildlife. E.g. trees, plants, rock piles, bird boxes…
  • What you boundary is like. E.g. Fence, hedge, wall…
  • What is in your surrounding area (within approx. 100m). E.g. allotments, rivers, hedgerows…
  • What lights you have in your garden and how often they are on.

Access the survey online here, or a request a paper version of the form by emailing

Fill out the survey here:  Citizen Science: Garden Survey
Request Paper Form: Paper Form

Want to find out ways to improve your garden for nature? check out Nature Conservation at Home for how to’s and top tips and simple ways to increase the wildlife your garden can support.

To find out more about Citizen Science programmes check out the full page. Or contact us at

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