Guidance for running community clean-ups in Richmond and Hounslow

Running a small scale community cleanup event is a fun and engaging way to make a real difference to the spaces near you. It helps bring people together and makes your local area a better places to live, work and visit.

Happy group of litter pickers

Habitats & Heritage work in partnership with the London Boroughs of Richmond upon Thames and Hounslow  to support community clean-up events. Below you’ll find some advice on guidance that should help you get started, but if you have any questions or would like to hire some of our equipment please contact us

Litterpick events

When deciding to hold a litter-pick, here are a few steps for you to consider:

1 – Choose an area to tidy up. You might want to consider routes to schools, parks, playgrounds, public footpaths, green spaces, bus stops, nature reserves, school grounds or anywhere else people gather

2 – Visit the area you’d like to litter-pick to make sure it’s a safe place for you and your group to work

3 – Download and complete a short risk assessment template

  • If your event is taking place in Richmond Borough please send the completed risk assessment to at least a week prior to the event taking place so it can be evidenced and given consent to start.  If your event is in a council managed park or open space Habitats & Heritage will obtain permission from the Parks Team on your behalf. If it is taking place on another space please check and seek permission from the landowner
  • If your event is taking place in Hounslow Borough at least a week prior to the event taking place and await approval and consent to start from the LBH/Greenspace 360 team.

4 – Hold your litter-pick on your chosen date and take photos on the day. Send us your photos of your litter-pick and we may feature them on publicity materials

DOWNLOAD: Volunteering Guidance

DOWNLOAD: Template Risk Assessment

DOWNLOAD: Example Litter-pick Risk Assessment

DOWNLOAD: Volunteering – Covid-19 Specific Guidance

You can also arrange to borrow equipment, including litter-pickers and bin bags (from Continental Landscapes) by getting in contact with

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