Marble Hill Park – A Virtual Art Picnic

Lockdown and the pandemic changed how we all live, play and work overnight but is did not stop members of Richmond English as Additional Language (EAL) Friendship Group from meeting for virtual art and language celebrations.
With local artist Sasa Marinkov we explored decorative features at Marble Hill House, currently in process of restoration. The theme of the virtual art ‘picnic’, held online over five weeks, was ‘festoons’ and ‘swags’ as seen in several places in Marble Hill House. We also discussed wildlife and some famous trees, including the three hundred year old Black Walnut tree in Marble Hill Park. Thirteen people dialled in to the sessions plus family members who were inspired to join in by making art and enjoying the good company.
Below: Swags and Festoons made by members of the Richmond English as Additional Language Friendship Group
This activity is kindly supported by English Heritage and the National Lottery Heritage Fund and the Big Lottery.