New Chief Executive Officer Announced
Habitats & Heritage is delighted to announce the appointment of Paul Jennings as its new Chief Executive Officer, effective from 5th February 2024.
Paul Jennings joined the charity in 2023 as the Nature Conservation Manager and quickly showed his exceptional skills in people management, organisational leadership and a deep understanding of ecology, community and education. His capabilities in directing the charity are well aligned with our mission to maintain leadership and momentum in nature and heritage conservation, sustainability and community engagement.
Paul has been working closely with our interim CEO Eve Risbridger and will continue through a transition period until March. We are very grateful to Eve for her exemplary stewardship during this interim period, ensuring a smooth continuation of services.
The Board of Trustees and the staff are delighted that Paul has accepted the role of CEO. This marks an exciting phase for Habitats & Heritage, with new projects in the early planning stages alongside our established initiatives at the heart of the community and local wildlife. Under Paul’s leadership, we anticipate consolidating our position and increasing our impact. We’re looking forward to working with Paul on the strategic vision as well as the day to day management.